“Proudly Designed and Assembled in the USA Made with eco-friendly materials and processes”. “We make almost all of our toilet seats at our Sheboygan Falls plant, which includes parts and assembly. Bemis toilet seats, rings and covers, both molded wood and plastic are made in USA. They also manufacture the Mayfair “neststep2”, it has a built in potty seat for children. UPC
The company has been around since 1901. There are some specialty seats, like our wood veneer finishes and some parts like our metal hinges which are created overseas.
Bemis is also a contract plastics manufacturer. They make shopping carts and baskets for the retail store industry
Searching for more! “Bemis produces Hydrophobic canisters that use a unique dual filter system which provides protection against aerosol contamination, fluid overflow, and premature shutoff”.
Verify through out the buying process, the product you wish to purchase is “American Made”.
Shop Local: Where to buy
Medic-Care Toilet Seats, Shopping Carts and Baskets, Toilet Seat, Wholesale Suction Canisters
Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin 53085-0901Map
Bemis toilet seat I bought from Home Depot was NOT American Made. The seat was “assembled” in U.S. but parts made out of country. What assembly?
We would like more info about the Bemis shopping carts.