US National Parks

Updated, November 8, 2017 by contributing editors

There is almost 52 million acres of land that is protected by our US National Parks. The Department of Interior is the governmental agency which operates the National Park Service. The National Park Service was established to conserve and preserve the nature of our countries land and “leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations”[1].

The National Parks web pages and pictures are dedicated to the American citizens and our foreign guests that were denied the right of access to our National Parks by the US government shut down on Oct 1, 2013 for 16 days.
As our government grows beyond the constitutional restraints established by our founding fathers, it infringes on the benefits gifted to all Americans and their guests.

It seems the words of James Madison ring true today!

“were the power of Congress to be established in the latitude contended for, it would subvert the very foundations, and transmute the very nature of the limited government established by the people of America;”

~James Madison~

Cod Fishery Bill, granting Bounties. February 7, 1792
Link to Quote

For pictures and information click on image below.

Grand Canyon National Park

Grand Canyon South Rim

Grand Canyon South Rim
Click on the image in order to visit our Grand Canyon South Rim page.

For pictures and information click on image below.

Grand Canyon North Rim

Grand Canyon North Rim
Click on the image in order to visit our Grand Canyon North Rim page.

For pictures and information click on image below.

Zion National Park

Zion National Park
Click on the image in order to visit our Zion National Park page.

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One Response to US National Parks

  1. Avatar for bobbi says:

    These are beautiful, outstanding, breath-taking pictures of the grand canyon. you did a perfect job of capturing the beauty of Gods creation.

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Last approved on November 8, 2017 by stevemoss