Over 80% of internet users perform on-line research of products they intend to buy and 75 Percent to 78 Percent of Shoppers Prefer to Buy “Made in America products whenever possible; knowledge of product origin can encourage the consumer to acquire your specific product/s,
Throughout the b4USA website we promote American made products and services. On this page we have listed the internet marketing options available to the manufacturer, distributor, retailer, or service provider. An American Directory listing will contribute to product awareness and increase your internet exposure to the consumers of the world.
We have two American Listing Directory options.
Option 1- American Directory Logo/Image Listing: $37.00
Company Name: ?
Website URL: ?
Company Location Address*: ?
*P.O.Box is not acceptable.
Customer Contact Phone #: ?
Customer contact e-mail or contact form webpage: ?
Company License # ? (If required in your area)
Category you wish to be placed in: ?
8 – Keywords or Tags you wish listed for search results: ?
Company & Post Information; up to 400 words allotted, for better SEO include keywords: ?
* Please supply us with an interesting fact about your company or products. ?
Copy and Paste to your email.
Reply to questions & Send to b4usa@usa.com
Note: Logo image not needed for your initial email response. Request about the reasonable fee for our art department to make you one.
*Studies show that the human brain retains and processes visuals 60,000 times faster than text, and content with visuals gets 94 percent more views than those without. Do you wish to Add a Logo ?*
Option 2- Free Directory Listing: No Logo
Company Name: ?
Website URL: ?
Company Location Address*: ?
*P.O.Box is not acceptable.
Customer Contact Phone #: ?
Customer contact e-mail or contact form webpage: ?
Company License # ? (If required in your area)
Category you wish to be placed in: ?
4 – American made Keywords or Tags you wish listed for search results: ?
Company & Post Information; up to 175 words allotted, for better SEO, must include keywords: ?
Copy and Paste to your email.
Reply to questions & Send to b4usa@usa.com
(1) If a service business, please include a few American made products used daily.
(2) Post Information must include at least 70 original (not copied) words.
Listings are available if all of the registration information is approved: Terms & Conditions
(3)Some of the ads content may be changed for acceptance.
Your (required) personal email will be kept confidential.
Limit: one Free Directory Listing per client.
We will contact you if necessary within 72 hrs.
Advertisement information explained below:
1. ~American Directory Logo/Image Listing~:
An all inclusive online advertisement package; the logo, extra links, and interesting fact help generate consumer interest, encouraging them to visit your company webpage (see details below).
Cost $37.00 Logo, Text-400 word count, 8 Keywords and more..
The Directory Logo Listing will keep your post in the top tier on your category page, stimulate recognition of your company and its US made products on our search results pages and improve consumer perception of your company on the Yahoo, Google, Bing and other sought-after search engine landing pages.
Logo- 400 word count- Text with contact information.
- Image / Logo
- 1 Category
- 8 Keywords
- Interesting Fact entry
- Google map
- Contact information
- One Visit Website link and up to 3 more links to your website on Post page
- Your company Image / Logo & Post information will also be featured on our home page for a limited amount of time. Category placement will be on a 1st come 1st serve basis and renewal required to keep category position.
Click here for Directory Image / Logo Listing Example
2. ~Free Directory Listing~:
Cost-Free (No Logo) -175 text word count- Text with contact information.
- 1 category
- 4 keywords
- Google map
- Contact information and one visit website link on Post page
- Note: See ~Logo Fee~ below if you wish to add a logo and enhance the listing.
Click here for Free Directory Listing Example
3. ~Web Banner Advertisement Listing~:
The click through Banner Ads are seen repeatedly by our site visitors. These image based ads are a low cost marketing tool (see details below).
The banners are located in the Right/Side column just above our categories and are on a rotational format.
Less than 25¢ per day if you purchase full year banner!
- 300 x 170 text / image banner
- Direct click through link to your website upon roll-over and click by viewer
- ~Full Year~: $90.00
- ~6 Month~: $62.00
- ~3 Month~: $41.00
- ~1 Month~: $25.00
- 300 x 250 text / image banner
- Direct click through link to your website upon roll-over and click by viewer
- ~Full Year~: $200.00
- ~6 Month~: $110.00
- ~3 Month~: $63.00
- ~1 Month~: $37.00
If you wish to add an Image or Logo to your Free Directory Listing, there is a one time fee of $17.00.
Provide an attachment image to b4usa@usa.com
4. ~Optional Advertisements~:
- ~Add a Keyword~: $5.00 ea.
- ~Image / Logo Fee~: $17.00
- ~Add a Category~: $27.00
- ~Add a Image on “See List” pages~: $37.00
All of the b4USA advertising must represent American products or services. Enhance your marketing campaign today by increasing your internet advertising, making the world aware of your US products and services.
(1) In order to conform to FTC and Google requirements, all advertisements will have a link that doesn’t affect search engine Page Rank; “no-follow” tags are on all “Visit Website” and Banner Ad links; paid or free. b4usa.com does not sell links, the goal is to provide valuable referral traffic and make the consumers of the world aware of US made products and services.
(2) All advertising and marketing options can be upgraded; if you have a suggestion on how we can help promote your US company, products, or services, send us an email.
If you have any questions, send an email to b4usa@usa.com or Call 423-596-7400 Leave a message for Steve if no answer. We will be happy to help you with category, keywords and “facts” for your products. If you do not have a logo or banner, we can help you create one, for a fee.
Payment will be accepted through the US Mail with check, PayPal with credit card, or Trade of equal value; billing information must be supplied prior to posting of any fee based advertisement or image. Note: you do not need a PayPal account for Credit Card use.
- US Mail: Need billing address. Payments will be due 30 days from billing date. Billing date will be the day any listing advertisement is posted.
- PayPal / Credit Card / Trade: Send an email to b4usa@usa.com or Call 423-596-7400 | Leave message for Steve if no answer.
“We cannot make Events. Our Business is wisely to improve them.”
~Samuel Adams~
Letter to Samuel Cooper, April 30, 1776
Views of Independence–Formation of State Governments.
Link to transcript of letter
The American Listing Directory is one of the least expensive, some say cheap, advertising directories in the product and service marketing industry.
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