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7 Responses to Standard Motor Products / Echlin

  1. Avatar for D C says:

    We all go to NAPA for the USA quality that was always there. Now they seem to feel they need to be in the “global economy” to compete. Question, why would we still go to NAPA and pay the higher prices when we can go online and get the same imported products as they sell for a lower price? Yes, they still have some items from the good old USA but open the box on a majority of them and you will see they are import.

  2. Avatar for Louis Schirm says:

    I bought an ignition switch for a 1966 Chevy C10 pickup. I specified I wanted USA sourced part only. what I received was made in China. the threaded barrel of the switch was 0.025″ undersize in diameter. The sheetmal nut used to locate that switch in the dashboard was so loose it just slid up and down the barrel. I had to use epoxy to hold it in place. It was grade junk.

  3. Avatar for OSCAR rangel says:

    the napa chassis brand was the best< now when i open a box, the blue boot is black and theres no id numbers. like its just a rundom part "a fake"

  4. Avatar for Lloyd Fjare says:

    Is anyone at the Echlin company able to help me. I have been looking for one of your neutral safety switch’s for over a month now. The part number is ECH NS7074.
    I have exhausted all internet sites for auto parts. They all say it was discontinued and there is nothing they can do.
    So I thought I would ask your company if they have any in stock or where you suggest I can purchase one.
    It is for a 2007 Saturn vue AWD with a 3.5 engine.
    Please let me know.
    Thank you
    Lloyd G Fjare

  5. Avatar for Brian Ansley says:

    Hello, Just stumbled across this site. Napa / Echlin parts are not all made in usa . I have worked for napa for years and over time last 10 or so more and more parts are made in mexico and china.
    And you guessed it more warranty claims.

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