When searching the Wolf Industries website for USA made Scissors and Shears, we entered Made in USA into the Online Catalog search box on the left sidebar area of their website; received about 30 different product results. The Straight Cut Scissors and Thinning Shears are made to tackle your toughest cutting problems.
If your cutting thick fur or hair the 10″ WOLFF® Fillipino style Hair Scissor with straight blades or the 8 3/8″ WOLFF® Fillipino style with curved blades and bent handles will make the job easy.
If you own a Barber Shop, Hair Salon, or you groom pets, the Thinning Shears are designed for optimum performance in cutting, they are available in a 30 or 45 tooth thinner shear.
There is also a selection of craft and fabric scissors and they can be used for floral and herb scissor use.
If your searching for a Fly Tying Vise, they have a stainless steel full rotary vise with center point rotation. The Vise has a long throw cam action lock up and a lifetime warranty.
Contact via: NetMail
Scissors, Shears, Thinning Shears, Fly Tying Vise
Spartanburg, SC 29303Map
I have a ANVIL APEX FLY TYING VISE,but I do not have the written procedure for changing the jaws. Will you please send the procedure to me.
Hello Leonard, I suggest that you call Wolff directly at the phone number listed under the Visit Website link shown above!