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5 Responses to The Libman Company

  1. Avatar for Carmen says:

    Won’t buy another one

  2. Avatar for Not a Happy Camper says:

    I hear you Beth; I ordered the Lint Brush and then another product to make an “order” and ugghhh, it is Made in China even though it says Libman 🙁

    • Avatar for USA Made says:

      I have been looking for Made in USA products and just called Libman to see how much of what they produce is done within the states. The very nice customer service person I spoke with said that currently, about 95% of their goods are made here. The remaining few are outsourced to a variety of other locations. I love their brushes and can’t say enough about the ANGLED toilet bowl brush (also available with a caddy; Item #1022). It’s the sturdiest and most well designed I’ve ever used over the past 50 years and I highly recommend it! (Item #1022)
      If you’ve had problems with an item, you should call and let them know. (877) 818-3380

  3. Avatar for Beth says:

    Not all of their products are made here. Some are made in China

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