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4 Responses to The Coleman Co. Inc.

  1. Avatar for Betty Ballard says:

    When I got my new purchased Coleman Classic 2-Burner Propane Camp Stove the shipping box states that it is made in China. I am disappointed because I thought Coleman products were made in the USA. From past experience I have found Made in China products are not reliable. This was purchased for emergency use during storm utility failures and I must have a reliable product. I will be returning this product. Your advertising is misleading.

    • Avatar for stevemoss says:

      Hello Betty,
      Sorry to hear you purchased one of the foreign sourced Camp Stoves; if you take note above we state the models that are made here in the USA.
      I suggest you send the China one back and request the American made one.
      Have a good day! Steve M.

  2. Avatar for Vic says:

    Urgent, Please provide a list of air mattresses made in USA.

  3. Avatar for Ann swincher says:

    Could I please have a list of products that are American made. Are any of your folding camp chairs made in America?

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