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3 Responses to Star Spangled Flags

  1. Avatar for Duke Ski says:

    Where is this company located? Your website listing points to a strip mall in Bristol,VA that contains a UPS store. Is that the headquarters? I ordered their “Made in America” flag from Amazon×5-Protected-Embroidered/dp/B00MAAOOO6/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1540844177&sr=8-4&keywords=star%2Bspangled%2Bflags&th=1

    Shipping was estimated 1 – 1.5 months. I thought that was weird but maybe they were building up a big production run? When I was told today that it “shipped” and still the delivery is 1 – 1.5 months, I know its not Made in America. Does this website vet their listings and/or maintain their lists? I have expressed my displeasure with Amazon.

    • Avatar for Gwen C says:

      Thank you for writing with your questions. I am glad you contacted us
      about this commenter’s confusion so we can explain what is going on.

      First, to answer your question, yes all our flags are 100% Made here in
      the United States from American materials by American workers. All of our
      flags have a Made In USA label sewn into the header.

      Regarding the experience of your commenter, this is a frustrating
      situation. Several years ago we made our flags available on Amazon for the
      convenience of customers. That worked well for a while and many people
      appreciated finding and purchasing our flags there. This year some sellers
      from China were allowed by Amazon to take over our pages and say they were
      selling our flags on our Amazon pages, even though they are clearly
      selling flags made in China and shipped from China. We have contacted
      every department we are aware of at Amazon, proving to them that this is
      happening and asking them to stop those sellers from doing it, but they
      will not take action to remove them – even though people are having a
      frustrating experience like the person who commented on your site.

      We are still trying to get Amazon to remove them but meanwhile, we request
      those interested in purchasing our 100% Made In USA flags to do so only
      through our website at

      Please update our Contact Information on the page as follows:

      Phone: (800) 692-0663


      Thank you Steve for creating a great Directory resource of Made In USA

      Gwen C

  2. Avatar for William Haack says:

    I have purchased flags from many different companies. These are the best flags I have ever encountered. Their quality is superb.

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