Since 1886 S.C. Johnson | “A Family Company” has provided the USA and now the world with, Green/Eco-Friendly manufactured, products. The privately owned company produces Cleaning Supplies, Air Freshener, Bug Spray, and Mosquito Repellent in Waxdale; SC Johnson’s largest global manufacturing facility that is located in Mt. Pleasant, WI.
The dedication of S.C. Johnson to energy conservation and our environment is remarkable. The Waxdale facility utilizes wind turbines that “provide about 15 percent of the facility’s electrical energy” and the plant “recycles or reuses about 75 percent of its solid waste stream”. They are also committed to product ingredients that “lower impact on the environment and human health“.
The US made Cleaning Supplies include the brands Windex®, Pledge®, Scrubbing Bubbles®, and Shout®. All of these cleaners can be purchased at your local home or grocery stores.
The Air Freshener Glade® ‘Room Spray’ products are mostly made here in the USA; some of the plugin canisters are foreign sourced from China.
See Note: (below).
The Mosquito Repellent OFF!® and the Bug Spray Raid® is made in the Waxdale WI manufacturing plant.
We also found USA made KIWI Black Shoe Polish: UPC that is made by S.C. Johnson, in our local home store.
Note: The company representatives are always helpful, if you have any questions feel free to call (phone # below). As a global company, some of their products are made outside of the United States, but not necessarily an entire brand. For instance, some of their Ziploc® brand Bags are made in Thailand, and some are made in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, etc. However, they make sure to print the name of other countries on the labels or packaging. Therefore, if a foreign country isn’t listed on the product or packaging, you can be sure it was made here in the U.S.A.
The other day I was at Walmart and picked up a Glade Lemon scented air freshener. When I turned the can around I noticed it was made in Russia 2019. I was so disappointed I put in back on the shelf. Russia????
Why can’t products be made in the USA. I would rather pay a little more than give our money to foreign countries such as Russia and China. You need to support our country and our people. I know you make some of your products here in the US please consider making ALL of your products here.