No matter where you live in the world you can purchase a US made Nokona Baseball Glove “made by Americans who carefully cut, stamp, stitch, lace, and embroider each glove by hand”. Their classic workmanship has been used by ball players since 1934 and the techniques used to produce each glove are all personal (no “cookie-cutter” construction).
Their Baseball Mitts come in all sizes and styles; they have a youth glove made with Buffalo leather, it provides a soft and sturdy glove and has fast break-in characteristics. The adult gloves include the Catchers Mitt, Baseball Glove, Softball Glove, and Fast Pitch Glove styles. Most of their gloves are made for left and right handed persons.
Catchers Mitt, Baseball Mitts, Softball Glove, Baseball Glove
Nocona, TX 76255Map