American made Hearing Aids, Conchlear Implants, Hearing Aid, Hearing Aids, Hearing Devices, Hearing Instruments, Made in USA Hearing Aid
Hearing loss can be linked to depression, confusion, and lack of daily communication in people of all ages, notably older adults. Below is information provided by many hearing aid manufacturers; these listings are provided by those that returned our request of US made product origin. Also listed are manufacturers which have a “Made in USA” logo or imply on their website the products they provide are US made. Always verify the product you wish to purchase is American made.
US made hearing aid information
E-Mail, Question — Are your hearing aids “Made in USA”?
Persona Medical

Persona Medical Website2021 Product Specifications
Yes! and no.
We are the oldest custom manufacturer in the USA. We started building truly custom hearing aids in 1966.
Anyone that tells you their hearing aids are “Made in the USA” is not adhering to the tough standards set by the FTC which is 90% of all components. We assemble them here, but most of the parts, used by ALL manufacturers of hearing aids, come from overseas. We buy all we can locally. Their are only a handful of component suppliers to our industry. Due to the low cost of labor, they all moved over seas.
So, I hope you understand, that I am a loyal American buyer as well, but prefer to be honest American above all!
We do have our own factory here in Florida and do our own Engineer design and acoustic research, and have employed over 1,000 employees through the years. Most of our employees have been here 10 years, and many have been here 20 years!
Best Regards,
Persona Medical
170 North Cypress Way
Casselberry, FL 32707
Sonic Innovations Inc.

Sonic Home pageFind Local Professional
Thank you for contacting Sonic. All of our custom molded in-the-ear products sold in the US are US made at our facility in Minnesota. Our behind the ear and receiver and canal models are sometimes made in the US, but not uniformly enough that I can make a recommendation as to a model. We import only the components not available here in the States; we have been US made for all of the company’s history.
Note: A recent comment (see below) reveals that Sonic is now owned by William Denamt holdings, a company based in Denmark.
Customer Service Representative
1020 Discovery Road, Suite 170
Eagan, MN 55121

Starkey WebsiteFind Local Professional
Updated 10/2017 We have 22 manufacturing facilities worldwide.
In the United States we have three manufacturing facilities, two research centers, one design center, and the headquarters for our Starkey Hearing Foundation. Majority of our domestic orders including private labels such as Audibel, NuEar, Microtech, Audigy, and All American are fulfilled by our US manufacturing centers.
Yours in better hearing,
Senior Audiologist in Customer Relations
Starkey Laboratories, Inc.
6700 Washington Ave. S
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
MD Hearing Aid

MD Hearing Aid WebsiteFind Local Professional
We are the registered manufacturer of all our hearing aids. The three main components (Processor, Receiver, and Chip) are all US made products. We also continuously strive to source the best components from all over the world to ensure to always use quality parts at a competitive price.
Best Regards,
MDHearingAid Product Support
650 W Lake St #120
Chicago, IL 60661
Cochlear Implant / Envoy Medical Corp.

Envoy Home pageFind Local Professional
We manufacture the device at our home office in St. Paul, Minnesota.
Best Regards,
Envoy Medical Corporation
5000 Township Parkway
Saint Paul, MN 55110
“Made in USA” Proclaimed or Banner Representation.

Amplisound Home pageFind a Rep in Connecticut
On Home page: “We are Connecticut’s only hearing aid manufacturer, service and retail center.
At Amplisound, manufacturing and repairs are done at our local lab by well trained and experienced technical staff.”
351 Merline Road, Suite 105
Vernon, CT 06066
Hearing Loss Tests:
Online Audiogram Hearing Test (125 Hz – 8 kHz)
Financial Aid & Assistance
Low Cost Hearing Aids and Cochlear Implants
Low Cost Hearing Aids and Cochlear Implants
Basic Financial Guide Information
Complete Financial Guide information
Ear Community
Ear regeneration picture & information:
Above is a picture of an ear produced by regeneration of donor cells overlapped and bathed on a synthetic scaffold. Someday we may not even need a device to improve our hearing, we will visit the nano doc’s and they will whip up a nanopotion for inner ear revitalisation. No more surgery just a nanop. The logo, ear organ regeneration picture was found at National Geographic .com. Please do not forget to rate this page!
Very pleased that I found your website.!!
Thank you for providing such a valuable information and thanks for sharing this matter.
a bunch of thanks to this informative article. The insights you provided are awesome. More power to you!
Have been looking for hearing aid products ever since my hearing started to deteriorate a couple of years ago. Appreciate the listing, however would indeed like to see an updated list and more information on hearing aid companies.
I’m going to get one for my father. This is so informative and educational. This is why I love reading articles like this!
I have been receiving my starkey hearing aides from the VA. constant problems
left side and right side.
Starkey builds custom hearing aids in mexico and cross over mexico boarder! Closed all outside manufacturing besides headquarters!
Thanks for the update Janice, we have sent an email to Starkey for verification on country of origin of their Hearing Aid products.
What did Starkey say about the country of origin for their hearing aids?
Yes, they have responded… see updated info above.
I don’t know the last time you updated your website, but I just wanted to let you know, that Sonic Innovations was founded in the United states but was recently purchased by William Denamt holdings, a company based in Denmark who founded Oticon and has now purchased Bernafon and Sonic. So if you are trying to support an american company, then Sonic innovations is no longer one of those companies that is 100% american.
Thank you Cory for the information. We are updating US made product and company posts daily; information changes so fast that it is hard to determine which is the best hearing aid company for the American consumer.
Very informative and well laid out. Side notes present enough data as well as product information. Efficent. Rating 10