Mountain Bike Stems, Bike Handlebar Clamp, Bicycle Seatpost & Collar, Ultimate Bike Seat Post
The L.H. Thomson arrospace precision manufacturing and superior quality is incorporated into every bike part they produce. Their manufacturing facility is located in Macon Georgia and they even have a mountain bike trail that you can ride; make sure you sign the release waiver. Thomson trail info.
All their bike parts are 100% American made. Their seatpost design is over engineered in order to prevent failure.
Visit Website: | fax: 478-788-1956support@bikethomson.com7800 NE Industrial Blvd,
Macon Georgia 31216Map
Macon Georgia 31216Map
I only ride American Made bicycle frames and try best to buy as many American made components I can find. The only thing I don’t look for are American Made components to replace Shimano, I have never found any MTB parts that have the smoothness of Shimano. Call me old school, but I take pride in buying American and not supporting Chinese Slavery.