For more than 60 years the Grando family has been refining Headphone driver geometry in order to provide the audio listener “music frequencies with unequaled precision”. Their headphones are made by hand in Brooklyn USA.
You can choose from four different series of Headphones. The e Series Headphones with their signature mahogany wood feature includes the precious metal rhodium that prevents corrosion and removes the graininess in your music.
If the over the ear Headphones are not the best choice for your exercise routine they have several styles of In-Earphones or Earbuds. The Earbuds deliver sound-stage performance, fit snugly in your ear canal, and work great with portable music players.
If your searching for an advanced Record Player Needle Replacement “the OTL stylus/cantilever design will make your records sound quieter, improve the height, width, and depth of the sound stage, and offer more detail than previously obtainable. Cartridge Holography does exist…and that is what Grado’s OTL technology is all about, more performance”.
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