“There are many collections in our line of boots that are “Handcrafted in the US”. Our boots vary in style, from our ladies Cordura Snake Boot to the classic Motorcycle Trooper Boots, we also produce steel toe and waterproof boots.
Our Super Loggers, Our Chippewa Country, Our Street Warrior Collection, the majority of our Arctic Collection, the Arroyos Collection, the Chippewa Classics, are all US products. We use B, D, E, EE, EEE and 4E on the product that is handcrafted in America. Also, these styles will have American Flag in the upper right hand corner by the boot if you are viewing them on our web site.”
Note: Make sure throughout your buying experience, you search for American made.
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I just purchased my first pair of Chippewa boots style #26330 I was very proud to buy a American made boot and noticed that the display boot at the arm navy store had a American flag emblem on the laces. When I received the boots they did not have this emblem on my laces. Would it be possible that I could be sent these emblems so that I can display them on my boots proudly I would greatly appreciate it
Rich, I have sent them another email. Been out of town, sorry for the delay in getting back to you. You may wish to contact the retailer that you purchased the shoes / boots from. The image of the boot and flag charm may not be up to date and they may not offer the emblem anymore. I do know you can purchase them here: https://www.amazon.com/BrooklynMaker-Flags-Keeper-American-Workers/dp/B0792G98Q5/ref=cm_cr_srp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8And on the answered questions page, it is stated that the boot lace keeper is Made in the USA!
My boots keep getting wet after 9 months I have a problem with them the stitching keeps on coming undone what do I do about this problem
I would suggest that you call Chippewa Boots for an answer (phone number is listed above); maybe those particular USA made boots are not manufactured for water immersion!
I would like to get a catalog. I saw your boots in men’s health and love them.
Anthony, you may wish to click on the Chippewa Boots “Visit Website” link above or email their company at: customerservice@chippewaboots.com
Hi Chris,
Please contact Chippewa customer service at 1-800-550-7327 or customerservice@chippewaboots.com to see how we can help.
Chippewa Boots
I just bought a pair of supper loggers and 2 weeks later the right boot squeeks when I walk what can I do about it