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5 Responses to Checks In The Mail

  1. Avatar for Nuttismoke says:

    I am also searching for American made products. That includes
    Contacting them in the USA! What’s up with calling the Philippines to order something made in the USA? Yeah right! Not gonna happen.

  2. Avatar for Charlene A. Pugliese says:

    This is a lie. I called to reorder my checks….I got someone in the Phillippines. I could hardly understand a damn thing she said. That’s why I’m looking for a new company

  3. Avatar for Carol says:

    I am in need of new checks for my personal checking account, and I know much printing is done offshore. I am trying to find US-made checks, but have not yet found them. The response you received from Checks in the Mail did not say they printed any of the checks, personal or business, in the US. They said the paper for the business checks was US.
    Do you know of any check manufacturers who cut and print the checks in the US? I’d like to get more of our folks working.
    Carol Giles

    • Avatar for stevemoss says:

      Hello, Carol

      I called them and: Yes the checks are printed here in the US, I do not know where the ink comes from though; checking into it as we speak.


      • Avatar for stevemoss says:


        Thanks for your comment.

        If you find another company that makes their checks here in the US with US made ink and does not outsource any services. Please let us know, we will list their product in our directory.

        Thanks for your participation in the American made process.


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