CRYSTAL GEYSER ® ALPINE SPRING WATER ™ is the American sourced bottled water brand distributed by CG Roxane, LLC the subsidiary of Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. a Japanese Pharmaceutical company. They employ a staff of approximately 20 to 49 people in the Benton Tennessee area.
“Our water really is from a spring.”
One of their many USA springs is located in Benton Tennessee, near the Cherokee National Forest. They also have water plants that are built in the Sierra Nevada, Mt Shasta, Blue Ridge & Ossipee Mountains, and the Ouachita Mountain range. The Bottled Water is BPA Free Water.
The recyclable water bottles are available in various sizes, 1 gallon to 8 oz. The water can be purchased at local stores or bought in bulk at the source.
“Our bottles are made from 100% recyclable PET (polyethylene terephthalate). This plastic is also known as PETE #1, which is the most recyclable of all plastics used for packaging foods. PET is widely used for beverage containers around the world.”
The company was founded in 1990 as a joint venture between a French bottled-water company called Societe Roxane and is now based in San Francisco, California.
American Source Spring Water, BPA Free Water, Bottled Water, Recyclable Water Bottles
TN.#(423) 338-4453cgroxcustserv@crystalgeyser.com303 Crystal Geyser Ln.
Benton, Tennessee 37307Map
I love the taste of your water, and thank you for being concerned about plastic bottles. They are becoming a real problem for the environment.
You might as well sell your water in Ziploc bags… Impossible to even open without spilling everywhere.. the bottles won’t even stand on their own without tipping over! Please bring back the old bottles!
Water is great !! Bottles are awful!!!!!Not buying because of the bottles they will not stand up !!!
Your water is delicious, very refreshing and clean tasting. Purified water doesnt even come close.
We buy Crystal Geyser Natural Spring water in bulk regularly but lately, The bottles don’t stand up firmly, making it very difficult to lay them down on a surface. The bottles are filled to the very top and water pours out when opened. Since the bottles are narrower now, there is the problem. Kindly advise. Any discount coupons for me to save $???